I AM Your Victor!

 For I AM Your Victor! For in ME and through ME, you are covered and shielded from the devil’s evil and wicked plans for many of their plans will boomerang back on them. Plus I have promised you the opposite. For this wicked will receive their punishment and the righteous will receive PLENTY~plenty that includes many areas of your life for My Blessings will abound and My Favor will Rest on you~My Army of Light. And I see huge smiles on many of you and laughter will be heard often for your heart will be Merry and Your Joy Will Be Full!

John 15:11 “I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.”


  1. Love this, not only because we will have huge smiles, and laughter, but because the wicked will receive justice. The unspeakable wicked against all God's children, against all God's people will end. Then the works starts for us, God's people to help heal all those who have lived under this oppression. Praise God, that He always win, is our Protector, and our Savior! He is the good Shepherd!!!


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