My Perspective

For the enemy of your soul is very active right now~seeking whom he may devour. He comes to bring lies and to deceive you into Not Believing ME! His very first words to Eve were ‘Did God really say?’ For he wanted to cause doubt into Eve’s mind and then Adam’s.  For they were told not to eat from the tree of good and evil. But then the serpent promised that they would be like God—knowing good and evil. Now, the enemy’s devices are to cause division and suspicion~whether it be among friends or family members or between you and ME, or Both. Now, this is your Line of Defense—Come to ME before reacting to people or situations in your life so that you can get MY PERSPECTIVE. For the enemy of your soul is spewing out lies right now. And how do you know My voice? My voice does Not bring guilt, condemnation or blame—No! My voice brings instruction, guidance, awareness of faulty ideas or beliefs and hope~hope that brings peace to your soul. Another way to know whose voice you are listening to is—does the voice bring peace to your soul or confusion? For I AM the God of peace and not confusion. For this is the time to Draw Close to ME, put on the armor of God and Remember My Word. Feed on My Word. For the enemy of your soul is seeing the trap laid out for him and is lashing out BUT HE HAS NO JURISDICTION OVER YOU FOR YOU ARE MINE for MY SON PAID THE PRICE FOR YOU. DECLARE MY SON’S BLOOD OVER YOU NOW so that I will shield you from the enemy’s snare and I WILL PROTECT YOU.

I Corinthians 14:33 “For God is not a God of confusion, but of peace.”

Psalms 20:1 “The Lord answer you in the day of trouble! The name of the God of Jacob protect you!

Colossians 2:15 “And having disarmed the powers and principalities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross.”


  1. I needed this today, Patty! I have had a dark cloud of hurt and confusion over me today, this really helped me! God bless and thank you!!


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