Your Marching Orders!

Rise Up My Army of Light~Rise Up! Come and Do Not Relent to the enemy’s schemes, lies and snares that have been released against you! For do you not know that greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world? (I John 4:4) for I released a war cry yesterday through My servant, Tim Sheets for the darkness is trying to take over and take you out of the fight but I have called you to Engage and Decree that God wins and defeats all our foes! For your declarations and decrees are needed NOW to send My Angel Armies on their missions of destroying the platforms, rulers and authorities in the heavenlies for this battle is raging and the results are hanging in the balance and needs more reinforcements~so I AM calling on you, My Army of Light to Engage in the battle between good and evil! Declare that the enemy is defeated! Declare that every plan and purpose that he has to take down America is disarmed and annihilated! Declare that the devil is a forever loser! Declare that Light completely overcomes darkness. DECLARE THE BLOOD OF JESUS TO STOP hell’s plans to destroy America through violence on the streets and rioting. Declare MY KINGDOM COME, MY WILL BE DONE ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN!


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