Back To Life Again!

For I want to bring healing to the soul of America! For she is downtrodden and the deep state is doing everything it can to cause despair, fear and wanting you to believe that America is a lost cause and she will Never be the same again! But That’s Not What I Say! So—this is another reason why DJT is such a threat to the deep state for he causes hope to arise and that America Will Be Great Again! For My Desire for America is to Arise From the Evil Plots Against You and to Begin to Thrive Again through Anointed Leaders that will Lead the Way! For I have chosen the ones who will be in government in this Kingdom Era and no one will own them or bribe them but I will Hold Them Accountable! And DJT will also be aware of Everything Going On for there will Be No More Deception for they Must Be Loyal to ME First and then to America~for treason will Not Be Allowed! For I will Heal America from her past and I will Cultivate and Nurture her Back To Life Again!

Jeremiah 33:6-9 “But now take another look. I’m going to give this city a thorough renovation, working a true healing inside and out. I’m going to show them whole life, life brimming with blessings. I’ll restore everything that was lost to Judah and Jerusalem. I’ll build everything back as good as new. I’ll scrub them clean from the dirt they’ve done against me. I’ll forgive everything they’ve done wrong, forgive all their rebellions. And Jerusalem will be a center of joy and praise and glory for all the countries on earth. They’ll get reports on all the good I’m doing for her. They’ll be in awe of the blessings I am pouring on her.”


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