My Kingdom To Increase

For I AM going to eradicate sickness and disease that is in My Remnant and while the Remnant is praising My Name for healing and deliverance from emotional issues as well, those who have been given to the darkness will be in pain for there will be maladies released that will attach themselves to them and there will be No Explanation as to how and why they received them. It’s called the God of Retribution! I also will be taking the wealth away from the wicked and handing it over to the Righteous! For It Is Time for My Vengeance to be Poured Out and for the Reaping of the actions of mankind to be Realized. For My Kingdom is an Everlasting Kingdom and it’s Time for My Kingdom to Increase and our enemy’s to Decrease!

Psalms 145:13 “Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and your dominion endures through all generations. The Lord is trustworthy in all he promises and faithful in all he does.”


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