
For you know the Event is near for it is My Desire to save you from being enslaved. For I have So Many Things Planned For Each of You that cannot be done in this evil-infested world! For since there is no accountability for the evil that is constantly being displayed, I will Get Involved and will deal with My enemies Myself~I and My Angel Armies! For the phrase~there will be hell to pay will become a Reality for Many! And the phrase from the famous prayer in My Word—My Kingdom come, My will be done on earth as it is in heaven will see its’ fulfillment! For so many of your ancestors longed to see these things come to pass, but I have chosen you to be alive at this time and to witness My Power Revealed such as Never Before for this will Effect the Whole World and Not Just America! Never Before in history will such a thing happen for My Power will Not be Denied~for only I can eradicate evil on such a Grand Scale and in such a small amount of time! Rejoice for your Freedom is Near!

Matthew 6:10 “Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”



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