I Want To Restore My Church

For there was a Major Move of Kingdom Power that was released during the fast this last week and it is Only the Beginning! For this move of Holy Spirit to bring forth healing, signs and wonders and miracles has been waiting to be Called Forth! For I AM showing Tim Sheets that It’s Time and this Great Manifestation of the Miraculous will Not Be Stopped! For I shared with My servant, Tim sheets to have this Healing Summit but also to invite other churches to come alongside and join them during this Live Stream for I want to Unite My Church altogether in One Accord and to Believe Together for healing and for My Healing Power to Be Released! So~My Army of Light I have an assignment for you. Pray for churches to be drawn by Holy Spirit to join in. Pray also against the religious spirit as well so that it won’t interfere. But pray for hearts to be open to this move of Holy Spirit. For I want Many Churches to be involved! Pray for unity and pray for hearts to be open to what I Want to Do! For I want to Restore My Church and for them to Believe in My Power as well!

Psalms 77:14 “You are the God who performs miracles; you display your power among the peoples.

II Timothy 3:5 “Having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.”


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