Nothing Too Hard For You!

For just as the sun brings light and joy to those that have experienced days and weeks of rain, so will My Son have the same Welcome to those that have experienced so much darkness on the earth. For as you well know, the enemy of your soul was given liberty as during his takeover, the church was not given proper instruction so that it was not properly equipped to defend themselves. But That Has All Changed Now! So~after the Rescue, My Church will need to Step up into their responsibility and Occupy and Take Dominion for this is all a part of the Kingdom Age where I use My Sons and Daughters to bring My Kingdom Rule here on the earth. For I have given you Everything you need to be My Manifested Sons and Daughters! For there will be Nothing Too Hard For You!

Romans 8:18, 19 “I consider our present sufferings are not worth comparing to the glory that will be revealed in us. The creation waits in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed.” (The KJV reads the manifestation of the sons of God.)


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