The Choice Is Yours!

For My Mercies are flowing across America now and My Healing Power will be More Evident each passing day. For the fast, declarations and decrees that Tim Sheets instigated are being used as many of My Remnant joined in plus I’m using Nathan French to bring healing and miracles as well. And I say to My Army of Light~Do you want It? Do you also want to be used in this way? For I AM looking for those who believe in the Impossible, who are Ready Constantly for I will say to those who want to be used used while in a grocery store—do you see that person limping? Go to them and pray for healing! For I AM Looking for Audacious, On-Fire and not-caring- what-people-think—kind of believers in ME who will Put Themselves Out There For ME! For you have been given much, Now It’s Time to Share It! So~My Army of Light if you want to be used in this miraculous way—ASK ME! Ask for ME to pour out the FIRE OF GOD on you and it shall be given! But you must USE IT or you will LOSE IT! For it needs to be exercised—just like a body builder—if he or she quits lifting weights, the muscles will diminish. So My Army of Light~this is Your Invitation~To Be a Light and to Carry My Glory. The Choice Is Yours!

Matthew 10:8 “Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received; freely give.”

Audacious—extremely bold or daring; recklessly brave; fearless.


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