We Are Winning!

For so many of you in My Army of Light have had difficulties that you have gone through during these last few years and I want you know that I see and acknowledge your pain and sorrow. For I saw the pain and suffering when the Israelites were in Egypt and were slaves as well and that was when I called Moses at the burning bush. And I say to you that I have many that are fighting for you against the deep state~working at freeing you and this country, America from your being enslaved. For the CIC has the alliance working on your behalf to bring freedom. But there will be a time not too far from now that I and My Angel Armies will actively engage in this battle as well and people will see there is a God! For the deep state sees the public’s perception that has changed for DJT and his support has more than doubled from this recent trial against him. And now desperation in the enemy’s camp has taken over in their discussions for they are losing the narrative and their control as well. For they desperately want to usher in the Antichrist and want to change the times and seasons BUT this fasting that many of you are doing with My servant, Tim Sheets has had a big impact in pushing and crushing the enemy’s plans. I also want to encourage you, My Army of Light to pray in tongues for this also is a weapon the enemy is powerless to defend against. For My Kingdom is an Everlasting Kingdom and it shall have No End! (Isaiah 9:7) And as we have partnered together in fighting the devil’s agenda, Know This—progress is being made even though you do not see it. So keep on fighting this evil for We Are Winning!

I Timothy 6:12 “Fight the good fight of the faith [in the conflict with evil]; take hold of the eternal life to which you were called and [for which] you made the good confession [of faith] in the presence of many witnesses.”


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