A Masterpiece!

So I just saw a vision of a veil ripped in two from top to bottom and this is what the Lord says as an interpretation—for you have heard of the veil that was torn after My Son, Jesus died that was in the temple to represent that My people have access now to the holy of holies (My Presence) for there was no longer a need to go through a priest for through My Son is forgiveness of sin. And now this picture that My daughter saw represents something quite different for this veil represents all the things that have been hidden from you and now this veil will soon be torn from top to bottom and many Truths will be Revealed that you know not of. Some will be hard to believe, some will be painful, but the ending of the Truth Revealed you will behold a Masterpiece! For the Plans that have been years in the making will culminate and converge to One Result—FREEDOM! For this freedom will carry you into the Kingdom Era and this Truth that has been revealed will be seen by all! So pray My Army of Light that this Truth will be received and not rejected for to whom it is received, Behold it will bring unity to you! Unity that has not been known in this country for generations! And I will quote the phrase that I gave to DJT—The Best Is Yet To Come!


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