Action Items for Interview with Diana 7-5

  1. Effects Of Your Prayers (6-24)—especially in light of Hurricane Beryl, this word and action items are key to confront the enemy from using weather as a weapon against us. Declare No Weapon Used to bring Weather Manipulation will prosper! Now decree that the hosts of heaven be sent Now to Eradicate All their evil schemes to be Exposed using weather to bring damage to property and also to bring injury and death as well. Call Forth My Judgments against them so that this evil practice will be stopped! Also pray for eyes to see the angels that you dispatch when you pray. That way you can See the Effects of your prayers!
  2. I Have Plans For You (6-27) Before the wealth transfer takes place, come to ME Now and ask ME how to use this money for I have plans for you! So come to ME so that I can prepare you for your future.
  3. Another Backfire (6-28) But I say Army of Light—Declare that any spell, hex, vex, curse, incantation or assignment is null and void in Jesus Name. Also declare that sorcery, witchcraft and divination CANNOT OPERATE whatsoever in Jesus Name! Then pray that they (witches, warlocks and people with evil intentions) would feel and sense My Love for them and declare that their names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.
  4. The Very Best (6-29) Come to ME and ask ME what do I need to do to get ready? For to each one it will be different. For in order for you to fully engage in the Kingdom Era, you need to be cleansed of the old so that the new has a place to dwell. Now, don’t worry what I may do or what needs to change for I Want the Very Best For You!
    1. Caleb (@Livin4Jesus7 from X) has very specific instructions from Holy Spirit. It is time to celebrate like you have never celebrated before! It’s time to Expect the Very Best! I want you to be givers and not takers. I want you to sew so you can reap. The enemy has stolen your increase, Now Declare It Back! When I say or give you a prompting to give, give without hesitation! For the harvest is what the transfer is for! Now I want you to this for July and August: 1 week nothing but praise. Set aside a minimum of 15 minutes of praise daily for 7 days. Pray in tongues, sound the shofar, shout for joy! The Walls of Babylon Are Coming Down! After the week of praise: the 2nd week fast how I lead you! Everyone come tome and I will tell you our what your part is. Fast for 1 week. Now the 3rd week we’re going to intertwine weeks 1 and 2–1 day fast, 1 day praise, 1 day fast, 1 day praise—again, come to me on what days are what. Now the 4th week, I will give you the choice to do any of what I told you for weeks 1-3. Want to praise? Praise ME! Want to fast? Fast what you desire! Want to do a mixture of fasting and praise? Mix it up! I give you freedom to choose! Starting 1 week of August, back to praise! This time, in August, it will be a minimum of 30 minutes! Do what I had you do in July! Now, this is important; don’t start then stop! Follow through with it! What this does is empowers your spirit, empowers the heavenly hosts and weakens the flesh which is where the enemy wants you! When you do all this: The Summit with Tim Sheets: you ALL watch it! I WILL, says Father, pour out my spirit so much that it lights a revival fire that will not be put out! Healings, dead being raised, witches and warlocks being transformed into Kingdom men and women.
  5. What Is Coming (7-5) Quote Psalms 37 into the atmosphere and the words on the page will come to life before your very eyes!


  1. Love this intel from Caleb! Even though I am behind a week, I had an unction to start trying to pray in tongues for 10 mins every day earlier this week. And, while I haven't done it every day, and while it is not 15 minutes, at least this gives me confirmation and I am on the right track! I have decided to pick up w/ this intel today and finish out the month of July and do all of August as the Lord has directed! Thank you for this, Patty and Caleb and Papa GOD!


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