An Influencer

So~you have heard it said that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. And many of you are just that—trees. And even though you may not have children, you have people watching you! For people are looking for examples to follow; people who they can rely on and trust. For there are so many broken and dysfunctional families now that parents aren’t necessarily the go-to people to respect and follow after. So I AM calling on you, My Remnant to be the Tree to Many Apples; to be the example for many to follow. For yesterday I mentioned Nathan French as someone I use but My Plan is to use My Church—the Body of Christ. For this is another reason to not have strongholds and sin entangled in your life for it affects your relationship with ME, but also to others. But My Holy Spirit is here to fill you up, anoint you afresh with Power and the ability to rise above your flesh and live according to My Spirit. So My Friends—do Not Limit ME for the Word says Christ in you, the hope of glory! (Colossians 1:27) And you ask what does this mean? And so I shall tell you~Christ lives in you and because of that you have limitless opportunities to show forth and give Him glory! And how is that possible? Every time you speak an encouraging word in My Name to someone, every time you pray, whether for large or small things, is an opportunity for an answer because of who you are praying to! SO BELIEVE YOU ARE AN INFLUENCER TO EVERYONE YOU MEET because Holy Spirit is empowering you, Jesus is in you and the Father is guiding your steps!

Mark 9:41 “For truly, I say to you, whoever gives you a cup of water to drink because you bear the name of Christ, will by no means lose his reward.”

II Timothy 1:7 “For God will never give you the spirit of fear, but the Holy Spirit gives you mighty power, love and self-control.” 

Proverbs 4:11 “I have taken you by the hand in wisdom’s ways, pointing you to the path of integrity.”


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