Be Prepared!

For this is the last day of July~strange July and now comes August where I AM going to blow My Breath upon the land called America and My Breath will cause New Life to come upon My Own. For I say in the natural realm there will be upheaval, but My Own will not be affected for this New Life I place upon her will cause her to be refreshed, restored and renewed for My Spirit will rejuvenate her and her focus will be on ME and not what is happening in the natural. For her heart will be captivated by My Love and the promise of My Power being released. For there is Great Excitement in the Spirit Realm for the Healing Summit for the Breakthrough in My Church will wreck havoc to hell and its’ evil plans. For there are going to be strongholds of limitations on ME Broken on Many Levels! For what is about to be released on My Church at the Healing Summit will set her FREE from ALL of man’s ideas and ideologies and then My Plans and Purposes for her will be Released in Full Measure! Be Prepared My Army of Light to let go of all preconceived ideas of how you think Church should be run—for it’s All About to Change for I~Jesus Christ will be the Head of the Church~not only on the written page~but in Actuality; no longer run by man, but by ME!

Ephesians 6:23 “For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior.”


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