For I, the Holy Spirit am quite excited about the changes that are coming! And some have already engaged in My Power for I speak of Nathan French for his heart, mind are soul are completely aligned to ME. He does not let circumstances in his life dictate his love for ME or ME flowing through him. For he is a vessel I AM constantly using! For he never blames me when things go wrong but instead he quotes scripture that all things work together for good to them that love God and who are called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28). For I AM sending him and opening doors for him to go to many different parts of the country for many see My anointing on his life—but I have a different agenda as well to use him for I want to arouse a jealousy in the body of Christ. I want people’s reaction when they see him—if God can use him, why not me? BINGO! I CAN! For this is My Invitation to you My Army of Light—Align yourself to ME and Believe I can use you in the same way! For I AM the Same Holy Spirit that uses Nathan French and I Want To Use You Too! Surrender Completely to ME and Be Filled With Power and Rekindle the Gift that was given you!

II Timothy 1:6 “I’m writing to encourage you to fan into a flame and rekindle the fire of the spiritual gift God imparted to you when I laid my hands upon you.”


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