Completely Rely On ME!

For I AM making myself known upon the earth using unusual happenings like what happened in Yellowstone with the explosion, unusual temperatures in the weather and even setting records and have you seen the rainbow clouds in the sky? For these are happening more frequently now but years ago no one heard of them. And I say I’m just getting started to Reveal Myself! For now justice is about to become more of a Reality as you see Bob Menendez resign and that’s just the beginning for My David will be completely exonerated on all accusations of crime as well. But I AM going to starting calling forth judgments against those who have harmed the children and I will uncover the secret life many have led for I will destroy their reputation, seize their assets and bring upon them great harm for this I declare is going to come to the forefront~no longer hidden for this is the beginning of My radically changing the perspective of how children are viewed and treated. And the dark web will be dealt with too for this is what the dark uses to communicate but My Army of light I call upon you to come against this and decree that this is eradicated and taken down as a means to further hell’s agenda. For I AM calling this time on the earth—A Cleansing and it’s not always easy as the dirt comes to the surface for these exposures are hard to view but this is all a part of the transition from the darkness into the light. So~I encourage you My friends when things get too much, come and take time and be with ME and ask Me to saturate yourself in My Presence and get into My Word for this is not the time to try and do life on your own but this is the time to Completely Rely On ME!

I John 4:16 “And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God and God in them.”


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