Continue To Contend

For I the Lord am a good God and My Promises are sure and reliable. For I do not lie and there is No Untruth in ME (Numbers 23:19). For what I have said will come to pass. Now, you noticed that the Biden will not be running for re-election, but what now? Now picture with ME a debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump—it would be a disaster for Kamala! Even though the Biden endorsed her, My David would surely reveal her ignorance in the first few minutes~even the announcer asking the questions would get her flustered! But the democrats will let this play out and then come up with their Real Choice! For these next few months will reveal more and more that common sense and wisdom plays no part in politics—apart from My David—for the deep state are scrambling for confusion has made a home in the enemy’s camp and everyday their plans unravel more and more. But My David is infused with my wisdom, understanding and knowledge and he has great plans to Restore America to even better than she was before! So My Army of Light Continue to Contend for the promises I have given for America and for her future and declare and decree God Will Save America And Defeat All Its’ Enemies!

Daniel 2:20-22 “And said Praise be to the name of God forever and ever; wisdom and power are his. He changes times and seasons; he sets up kings and deposes them. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning. He reveals deep and hidden things; he knows what lies in darkness and light dwells with him.”


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