I AM Bringing…

For I AM going to bring so much damage to My enemies~for this is the first assassination attempt on DJT that has been broadcast on MSM, but there have been multiple attempts before this! For no one owns My David so he cannot be controlled and that’s what they absolutely hate! For the deep state is used to getting their way through bribery or threats of sharing a recording they have made of very poor choices and abuse. But My David steers clear of indiscretions for he is very aware of the deep states’ traps~but DJT and I have had conversations and he is actually turning the tables on his enemies by laying a trap for them~and it’s a good one too! For soon both sides of the aisle that have been a part of treason and corruption will be held accountable for their actions. For this is the Year of the Open Door~which means for our enemies—openness of the Truth and Complete Exposures! And what does the Open Door mean for My Ecclesia? The door is open wide for supernatural miracles of healings, restoration, recompense and blessings! For as I AM bringing damage into the enemy’s camp, I AM bringing supernatural power and blessings to you!



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