Like Never Before!

For many have seen the utter hatred for ME at the Olympic ceremonies for it is an abomination to ME what they have done and I say that I will Respond to their rebellious acts against me for I have looked away for many years of their growing hideous acts of gross in-your-face abhorrence of ME, but Not This Time! For they have ridiculed My Son having the Last Supper and this time I Will Not Look Away but I will Display My Wrath and No One Will Misunderstand the Acts of Vengeance that I will place upon those who acted this out but also those who planned it out for I AM going to cause an infirmity on them all and they will be in misery and I will attach evil spirits on them which will cause their minds to go crazy and they will be tormented day and night night and they will soon meet the god they serve for I AM a God who renders vengeance upon My enemies! For I AM about to Make Myself Known Like Never Before! And I also will Make Sure that the MSM Covers My Vengeance for their hatred for ME was on display for the world to see and the MSM will Be Made To Cover My Vengeance Upon My Enemies As Well!

Deuteronomy 32:41 “If I whet My glittering sword, And My hand takes hold on judgment, I will render vengeance to My enemies, And repay those who hate Me.”


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