Marching Orders for Interview with Diana 7/18/24

July 8-The Shaking Is Spreading—Pray for them that the Spirit of Repentance falls upon Hollywood and that the wickedness of their lifestyles stop by the Blood of Jesus~for I want to bring a Radical Change to Hollywood and I want to Redeem the Lost!

July 9-Your Freedom—Let’s eradicate this constant means of access the enemy has so come and identify the sin, habit and/or stronghold and repent of it and then take authority over it and bind it in My Son’s Name, Jesus and declare it is null and void. And then loose upon your soul the Exact Opposite of what your sin is. For example if your addiction is sweets, loose upon you soul healthy eating. (Matthew 16:19 keys of the kingdom). For we are going to obliterate any access the enemy has to your soul and you are going to Come Alive and Engage in the Spirit! For it’s time for the flesh to come under subjection to the Spirit for I want My Army of Light to be Victorious in Ever Way!

July 11-Shock and Awe! Pray My Army of Light for these lost souls that the Spirit of Repentance be poured out upon them and that their hearts are turned towards ME and that when Holy Spirit reveals Truth to them, that they would BELIEVE!

July 14-Will Prevail-I adjure you to continue to pray for him (DJT), his family and those he works with for the deep state is in a frenzy to be rid of President Trump for he stands in their way of their evil agendas of bringing control of this country.

July 16-On Fire!-But this is where you come in My Army of Light for I need your prayers to fight off this attack. For I AM going to share a verse with you from My Word and I want you to pray into this verse by demolishing arguments and every pretension…and then take every thought captive to make it obedient. For I want you to Defend this Healing Summit in the natural realm so that it also occurs in the spirit realm as well for My Purpose is to set My Church On Fire! Come now My Army of Light and Participate in the Glorious Happening when Holy Spirit Floods His Church with His Power! (II Corinthians 10:5)

July 17 (2023) Rise Up-So~whatever is coming against you, DO NOT receive it but Engage by making decrees and declarations for you have more power in your words than you realize. So Do Not be downcast or discouraged—No! It’s time to command My Angel Armies and send them to defeat our enemies! So~Rise Up and Take A Stand-for I will give you many Victories~You Can Count On It! Proverbs 18:21, Hebrews 1:14


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