Rest Assured

Have you noticed the shift in the atmosphere? For My Power is being released through My Angel Armies constantly now wrecking havoc on our enemies in the second heavens and on earth. For Everything is coming into Alignment for the Event that I have spoken about often. For the deep state is so messed up right now for they thought they had everything planned out for their takeover of the world but they forgot One Thing—My Ecclesia that is empowered by ME! For your Prayers, Declarations and Decrees have Hit Their Mark and confusion is written on all their faces for they have No Clue how to Recover except going for Drastic Measures~and that they shall! But Remember what I have told you for I the Lord Almighty will use this Event for My Purpose and will cleanse this land of the darkness that has been in control for far too long! So Rest Assured My Army of Light that My Plans Will Surely Be Fulfilled and our enemies will meet the consequences of their actions!

Proverbs 19:21 “Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.”


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