Shock And Awe!

Can you feel it?? For the Winds of Change have arrived! And the manifestations of My Many Promises have begun! For My Power will soon be unleashed like Never Before and Everyone will be able to Witness It! For it won’t be just for the sake of the church—NO! For not only will My Power be displayed to bring freedom, but also as a Means to Reveal to those who don’t believe Who I AM! For I AM going to bring Shock and Awe into the lives of unbelievers~for No Longer will they be able to Ignore ME—for they will see Evidence of ME being REAL! So~pray My Army of Light for these lost souls that the Spirit of Repentance be poured out upon them and that their hearts are turned soft towards ME and that when Holy Spirit reveals Truth to them, that they would BELIEVE!

Ezekiel 11:19 “I will give them a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.”


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