This Day

And what is it that you celebrate this day? Is it not this day that you celebrate Freedom as a nation? And I say this day you will celebrate it AGAIN! For the news is centering around the botched debate and how bad the Biden looked, acted and responded—FOR IT WAS ALL LIES! And Everyone Knows it! And I say This Day Will Be the Beginning When Everything Changes! For July 4 will be a day everyone will Remember and it will No Longer Be in relationship to the year 1776–No but 2024! For I the Lord say This Day Will Be Unlike Any Other! WATCH ME! For under the guise of darkness, miracles will happen for what I have been speaking of and preparing you for will become a Reality! For the Breakthrough, Freedom and My Glory will be known By ALL! Rejoice, My Army of Light for this day Marks the Change and the Visible Transfer from Dark to Light!


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