
For I AM going to confound the deep state for in their meetings lately, they have come up with what they believe to be a fail-safe plan to defeat Donald J. Trump in the election that will soon take place. And once again I will make them look like FOOLS! And My Army of Light from the prayers you have prayed for DJT, I have assigned My Warring Angels to surround him, his family and those he works with to keep them safe. And even though the democrats are trying so hard to bring huge support to their current candidate, Kamala Harris, it won’t last for she too will say things on the campaign trail that won’t make sense and it will be hard for the public to truly give her their support. Oh what a quandary the deep state will be in! For I laugh at them for so long they thought they had everything all worked out but Soon even the MSM will spread more truth than lies and the democrat party will not be able to rely on them to brainwash people’s minds any longer. For I AM taking their support system and unraveling it bit by bit and soon their public support will dwindle down and many will leave their loyalty to being a democrat for their eyes will be opened to their pack of lies. For I AM squashing this party for it has brought so much division to America. For My Heart is to Bring Unity to her and That I Shall!

Mark 3:25 “and a fragmented household will not be able to stand, for it is divided.”

United We Stand, Divided We Fall!


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