You Got This!

For the deep state is scrambling now for their enemy is still alive and more and more people are done with the Democratic Party plus their donations are way down. And now they will use even more drastic measures for they are in a Complete Frenzy! For they have given up on the Biden for their go-to excuse is he has covid now. Ha! I laugh at them! For they are seeing the dismantling of their plans and the demons that control them are livid so don’t be surprised if you see them manifesting. Now My Army of Light continue to pray for My David for he is still their target so pray specifically Psalms 91 for him, his family and those he works with. For as I said the battle is heating up so I want you, My Ecclesia to be On Alert for when you see the enemy at work, immediately use the authority that’s been given you and SHUT IT DOWN for things can get out of hand quickly. For I have taught you much in this past season on how to fight and Now is the time to put all that you have learned INTO PRACTICE! But Do Not Fear for I AM always with you and I Will Never Forsake You! You Got This!

Joshua 1:5 “No one will be able to stand against you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you.”


  1. I am So VERY Thankful for this verse, I appreciate all you and Diana Larkin share ❤️


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