A Shaking

For even though you will go through a shaking in this county and throughout the world, it will All Be Worth It! For a shift happened in the atmosphere recently for the demonic structures are being disarmed for My Angelic Armies are dismantling them from the prayers you have prayed and the boomerangs you have sent. For your prayers are Powerful and they are Hitting Its Mark! And more and more of these demonic structures are losing ground and the enemy’s camp are realizing it and they are losing their confidence and their minds too for they were convinced that Nothing could stand in their way…till Now! For the Reality of their demise is settling in and this is when their complete PANIC will be seen and Realized and they will take Drastic Measures to try and get their control back. So this is when you are needed My Army of Light~so pray and declare and decree against disease, viruses and sickness that they want to release. Declare and take authority over it and render them All Null and Void! Then pray against the spirit of violence and lawlessness and render them null and void and declare that they Cannot Operate in the Name of Jesus! Also pray that I send the spirit of repentance on all those that would receive it for I long for these Lost Souls to Come Home!

I Peter 3:9 “This means that, contrary to man’s perspective, the Lord is not late with his promise to return, as some measure lateness. But rather his delay simply reveals his loving patience toward you, because he does not want any to perish but all to come to repentance.”


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