
We Are Winning! Even though you do not see what I see for the forces of hell are being targeted by the hosts of heaven as you wield your Sword and make your  decrees and declarations into the atmosphere for light is overcoming the darkness! But My Army of Light I would like to caution you on this journey of winning. For it would be easy to be overjoyed at winning and our enemies losing that we have an attitude of being better than our opposition. What the difference between you and them is the choice you made in following ME. For this is something I want My Army of Light to work at~True Humility! And what does that look like you ask? For true humility was what My Son expressed everyday while He was here on earth. For He didn’t come to be served, but to serve, even though He was/is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He poured Himself out as a servant and brought wisdom through teaching, healed the sick, brought hope to people, rescued many from demons by bringing deliverance and then ultimately died to save the world. True humility is being a servant to all.

Mark 9:35 “Jesus sat down, called the twelve disciples to come around him and said to them, ‘If anyone wants to be first, he must be content to be last and become a servant of all.’”



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