It Is Coming!

For just as the trumpet vine that Patty has that is attached to her arbor has grown but the blossoms have lied dormant for three years, but is now blooming profusely throughout the vine, so will Donald J. Trump come from the background to the foreground and be reinstated as your President and not only that but he shall bring about Massive Changes throughout America where the laws of this land will once again adhere and align themselves to the Constitution and law and order will be in effect throughout this land. And No More will the police hear the words Stand Down but the first responders and those that enforce the law will be supported completely by the federal and state governments. For the Old America that was held in bondage to hell’s kingdom due to those that controlled her and their worship of evil will pass way and behold the New will come and there will be a 180 degree Turnaround and there will be dancing and celebrations in the streets! It’s Coming! I AM Announcing That It Is Coming!


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