My Justice

For what was done yesterday while Tim Sheets used the boomerang and brought forth declarations and decrees against the enemy and the powers of darkness is having a powerful effect Now in the heavenlies. For when many of you joined your voices with him, you sent forth My Mighty Warring Angels to Flight against the enemies of darkness. For hell unleashed all the weapons they had for this week to demonstrate lawlessness and violence. For their goal is to create hell on earth~much like what happened in Minneapolis after George Floyd died. And there will be riots and upheaval on the streets and the MSM will be elated that they can show this into people’s homes to bring fear and chaos into the hearts of men, women and children. BUT the boomerang has been sent and it will do its job and will come back and take revenge on those who instigated this violence and those who participated. So Keep Standing and Decreeing that the enemy’s plans will boomerang back on them! For My Justice has been Unleashed and will Prevail!


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