
For this date 8/24/24 all has to do with the number 8. For 8x3=24. Eight has to do with new beginnings and surely it shall come to pass—America will have a new beginning. Did you hear My servant, Barry Wunsch speak of 1776 melding into 2024? And So Shall It Be! Oh what I have in store for you America and those that live inside your borders! For I have downloaded My Plans to My David and he is busy putting these plans into the means of being carried out. For I have Tim Walz front and center for a specific reason for people are looking into his track record of being the governor of Minnesota and people are realizing the devastation that he brought~specifically after the death of George Floyd for he told the police to stand down which permitted the riots, destruction and looting of Minneapolis. If he can do that, what will he do when/if he is Vice President? For Truth is being researched and people are drawing their own conclusions! For people are coming to the realization that the MSM has their own agenda which does Not include sharing the Truth! For the Awakening is happening and the public is yearning for Truth and Not deception! For I have sent forth upon America a Hunger for Truth. Some will succumb to this hunger, but others will not. But I say the Awakening is having an effect on this country! And then we have the Healing Summit that is coming and I say between the Awakening and the Healing Summit, it will have a 1-2 PUNCH as in a boxing match against our enemies and it will have a KNOCK-OUT BLOW to them! For My Plans are Becoming Reality!

Proverbs 21:30 “There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against the Lord.”


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