
For there is a tug-of-war going on in the spirit realm right now but it won’t last long for even as the angel tried to respond to Daniel when he was fasting and praying and waiting to receive an interpretation of a dream, but the prince of Persia resisted this angel for 21 days until Michael, one of the chief princes came to help the angel. (Daniel 10:10-14) then with Michael’s help, he was freed and was able to fulfill his mission of showing Daniel the interpretation. So now Michael is being sent in the present day situation to Release the wealth of the wicked that has been promised to you! For there are evil forces at work in the heavens and they don’t want to give up their control—but they have No Choice in the matter~for My Word will Not Return void and the prophet’s words that have said this—which are Many~ will be fulfilled! Now My Army of Light—Declare that the manifestation of this transfer be Released Now in My Son’s Name and that No weapon against this promise will prosper! Now Rejoice that this promise will Soon Be Realized!


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