Thy Kingdom Come!

For I AM bringing a whirlwind of trouble and utter fear to our enemies! For this boomerang is at work in full force for what they have been using against you will come falling on them in Full Measure! For they will be Knocked Down! For My Fury against our enemies is being released NOW! For I have given them opportunities and warnings of this coming doom for they have tried so hard to get you My Army of Light to lay down your swords and surrender to their words of doom and gloom. And the infiltrators in the church used to stir up division are preaching that the antichrist is coming soon. But that is the Exact Opposite of what is coming! For the end of the occupation of hell on earth is close at hand and My Power will be Revealed like Never Before for My Plans have Always Been as My Son prayed—Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done On Earth as It Is In Heaven! For I AM working on so many levels right now and behold My church will be Resurrected from being a dead church to having New Life Empowered by Holy Spirit through the Healing Summit for I have Great Plans for it! Don’t miss out on this~but watch it and BE INVOLVED in this as My Mighty Power will be released!


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