Watch ME!

Note: We had a very, very hot and humid day here in MN yesterday and last night the Lord spoke to me about the storm coming in the natural and the storm coming in the supernatural…

So you see the rain that is coming that will bring RELIEF from the heat and the high humidity and just like this storm that is brewing in the west so is there a storm brewing in the heavenlies that once this storm has passed will bring RELIEF from the downward spiral this nation has been going in for quite sometime now. But I AM working throughout this country and the world to bring forth HUGE CHANGES for My Power is Like a Lightning Bolt that lights up the night sky revealing things that are hidden. For THIS WEEK EXPECT TO SEE MY POWER RELEASED in ways you HAVE NEVER SEEN BEFORE! And watch as you see our enemies tremble FOR MY MAJESTY, POWER AND GLORY WILL BE EVIDENT AND EXPRESSED Beyond Your Imagination! And your eyes will be open in wide-eyed wonder at WHO I AM! For this starts with My using the Healing Summit to Reveal Myself and it’s Just the Beginning! For this Healing Summit opens the doors to Heaven’s Possibilities Over the Earth! For Tim Sheets along with his brother Dutch, Clay Nash, Greg Hood, Pat McManus, Ken Malone along with Oasis Worship have chosen to give ME Space and have dedicated this time for ME to work and SHOW MYSELF~FOR I AM THE AGENDA AND I AM GOING TO SHOW UP AND SHOW OFF! And I will bless each church that have chosen to livestream and every home that chooses to do so as well! For I AM Breaking Out of the Mold that churches put ME in and I’m Bringing Breakthrough and I will push back darkness in the church as well! WATCH ME!

These words are to those who are making this Healing Summit happen: Isaiah 45:6, 7 “Yet through you everyone will know who I really am.  Those from the rising sun in the east to the west, everyone everywhere will know that I am YAHWEH, the one and only God, and there is no other. I create light and I make it dark. I make bliss and I create adversity. I am YAHWEH who does all these things.”


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