You Can Count On It!

For I AM sick of the way the deep state is pushing the so-called popularity of Kamala Harris and her running mate and I AM going to call their bluff! For the deep state is trying so hard to convince everyone that they have a viable candidate and within days her popularity grew from a nothing burger to overwhelming! Oh how the MSM is pushing their ridiculous narrative. So I AM putting them on notice now~Be Careful lest your lies and your tomfoolery will be found out for what it Really is—AN ABSOLUTE SHAM! For I will pull their pants down on their utter foolishness in their believing that they can use these lies to win an election against My David! For I will Uncover It All to the public and you will look like fools! You Can Count On It!

Numbers 32:23 “But if you do not do so, then take note, you have sinned against the Lord; and be sure your sin will find you out.”


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