A Huge Backlash

For I AM creating a huge backlash that is coming against the evil practices that were used in the debate for much like I AM defending My David with all these fake accusations and court cases against him~now I shall uncover the Truth about this debate! For Kamala and her team were all rejoicing that they made DJT look bad and ABC was in on it too. For I will Unravel their web of deceit, manipulation and lies to the public. For they tried hard to shame My David and make him look small and defeated. Wait until the web of deceit gets unraveled and Kamala and her team will be the ones who will be shamed and dishonored! For My David has given up his life and reputation for the benefit of seeing America saved and I will Not let him be ridiculed but instead the MSM will be Forced to speak the Truth! For the Tide is Turning and being a Trump supporter will No Longer be looked as negative for I AM going to cause a Glorious Change in this country from the public being lovers of deceit—to lovers of Truth! For My Plans Supersede our enemies!


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