Great Joy

For I AM going to use My David just as I used David in the scriptures to TAKE DOWN YOUR ENEMIES! For I gave King David supernatural strength to fight off his enemies and also war strategies to outmaneuver them and so shall it be again! For My David surely has a heart that loves me and also has a love for America and those that live within its borders. For I AM downloading My Plans so that he knows his part to execute. For ever since that assassination attempt, his love and commitment to ME has deepened and the connection we have reminds me of King David and I when I said that he is a man after my own heart and this My David is the same~for he is a man after my own heart as well for we want the Same Thing—to Save America and to rid the world of the evil that controls it! So~I will use him in powerful ways and Behold I will Take the Blinders Off of people’s eyes and the majority of Americans will love and support DJT~for as I have said Truth will be revealed and evil will be exposed as well. For these coming months will bring you Great Joy at the Turnaround I Bring!

Acts 13:22 “After removing Saul, he made David their king. God testified concerning him: ‘I have found David, son of Jesse, a man after my own heart, he will do everything I want him to do.”


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