It’s Coming!

For I AM going to do miracle after miracle for My Glory that My servant, Donna Rigney speaks of is coming forth into the natural realm. For she has been going around the country where I tell her to go opening up portals for My Glory to come through. And I say when My Glory starts to fall, it will begin in spots and in these spots—demons will scream out in terror for My Judgment will fall on them and they will be banished from the area for evil cannot stay when My Glory falls! So I will use my Glory to draw men, women and children to ME, to bring forth miracles and signs and wonders but also to take down the Satanic strongholds and dominions that have held people captive! For My Glory will have a two-fold effect~to show who I AM and to defeat the devil’s control! Behold…It’s Coming!

Psalms 71:8 “My mouth is filled with thy praise, and with thy glory all the day.”


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