My Words Are Faithful And True!

Oh My Loved Ones~as you see the deep state continue to conjure up lies and evil plans against you, KNOW FOR CERTAIN that I will Protect My Own! For the enemy’s plans seek to destroy anyone who disagrees with them or shows proof of their failures and their being caught in a lie. For you have seen them go after My David for he is their #1 enemy. But I have placed a barrier around him that include My warring angels and any weapons used against him are deflected. For during this time of Intense Warfare, I want My Army of Light to have peace in your souls~peace Knowing and Believing that I will take care of them and that My Plans of Saving America Will Succeed! Take off fear and anxiety and put on the Cloak of Rest and Peace. For I Do Not Lie and My Words Are Faithful And True!

Numbers 23:19 “God is not man that he should lie or a son of man that he should repent. Has he said and will he not do it? Or has he spoken and will he not fulfill it?” 


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