Power Of God

For you have been hit hard by the deep state manipulating the weather and it’s not going to stop unless My Ekklesia Engage in this war! For you cannot sit back any longer and pretend you don’t see your brother and sister hit by catastrophe after catastrophe so Get Up and Let’s Fight Back! And don’t say you are not prepared and don’t be afraid of fighting against hell itself! For that’s EXACTLY what I AM calling you to do! For I want you to look back at the minutemen in the Revolutionary War and many of them were just farmers—no degrees or anything but they had a passion for freedom and a love for family and wanted to protect them and their homes. And they were Very Successful against the British and now once again, I need warriors to engage in this ALL OUT BATTLE against evil for it’s not going to stop until You Make A Stand against them! Now this will not be a physical battle, but a spiritual one where you fight with your words mixed with faith. Did you hear My servant, Tim Sheets talk about the faith decrees? Watch it for he shares the premise of who you are and what you are called to For Such A Time As This! For this is WAR and I want My Ekklesia to PUT HELL ON NOTICE that the devil is a loser and that you are Not A Victim, But A Victor! You are the head and not the tail! The gates of hell shall Not Prevail against you and No weapon formed against you shall prosper! This Is Not A Time To Do Nothing for hell put forth a challenge to you through the hurricane—basically the deep state is saying here is what I am doing and you can’t do anything about it! Ha! Don’t receive this My Army of Light—But Let’s Engage in This Battle and Make a Stand through declaring these decrees! Declare these decrees three times a day as Daniel prayed three times a day. (Daniel 6:10) For these decrees Hit the target and through them My Angel Armies will Destroy all the enemy’s tactics used against you! For if you stand and declare these decrees, you will see the Power of God Released against your enemies like never before! 

Job 22:28; Deuteronomy 28:13; Genesis 1:26-28; Psalms 8:5

Note: these decrees that are referred to are the decrees that Tim Sheets covered on his sermon yesterday. You can either go to oasiswired.org to view it or you can visit my blog at pltprayer.blogspot.com and view it. It is called Forty Decrees.


  1. I don't remember where I found this, I saved it from an article somewhere. It's about calming the storm:
    God gave us the same power Jesus had through the Holy Spirit (John 14:12). One of those things is rebuking the weather, especially since Satan is the prince of the air (Ephesians 2:2). The original words Jesus used when he rebuked the storm was siōpáō (see-o-pah‘-o) phimóō (fee-mo‘-o). This really means silence immediately I have the final word and phimóō means to muzzle. So you're not only quieting the storm but also preventing it from coming back at that time by putting a muzzle on it. It's such a fascinating saying to me and I use it frequently in Jesus name when im rebuking this evil weather we have been having. I have seen storms litteraly split after "siōpáō phimóō in Jesus name amen" this over the weather. I usually only have to say that but sometimes I say a bit more. So next time you see a bad storm coming just rebuke it by saying siōpáō phimóō in Jesus name.


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