Raise A Hallelujah!

For as the Fall brings sudden changes in the weather with days of sunlight becoming shorter, the leaves changing colors and the temperatures getting colder so will things change in this country for the things that have been shared about the season of Fall will be manifest this year. For the fall of the cabal is near and some in this camp clearly see the writing on the wall for their control of everything is collapsing all around them and so many of them will choose to change their loyalties and instead become whistleblowers as they know they will be held accountable for their actions. For there is utter chaos happening in the enemy’s camp right now and confusion has taken hold of their minds. For the Healing Summit not only ushered in the mantles of healing but also the government of the church! For as My Word says that the government will be on My Son’s shoulders (Isaiah9:6b) and My Son dwells in you! For your declarations and decrees are hitting their mark and our enemies are feeling its effects! For surely My Word says “The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet” (Romans 16:20) and is coming to pass! So Raise A Hallelujah for the Fall of Our Enemies is in Sight!


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