The Heart of America

For what is coming; what is about to be Revealed to you~as I bring exposure after exposure will be repulsive to you and many people’s hearts and minds will be shaken at the wickedness and evil acts that have taken place~but these things need to be uncovered and dealt with And Understood for people to see the Reality of evil and who is its author. For people need to identify the problem and also its origins in order for them to know how to make a Better Future and as I have said countless times and I will say again~when you know the truth, the truth will set you free (John 8:32). For when the public understands what has taken place~with the sacrifices made to the devil among other things, they will be repulsed by ANY involvement with the devil and even Halloween will take a hit and not be celebrated by many; if at all. For this Truth that will be Revealed will Actually Cleanse this nation from its devotion and attraction to darkness in all its forms. So My Army of Light, Do Not Detest or Despise these exposures for I AM using it to Bring Change to the Heart of America!

Luke 8:17 “For nothing is secret that shall not be made manifest; neither anything hid, that shall not be known and come abroad.”


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