The United States of America!

For soon this Turnaround that I speak of will not only be words on a page but you will see evidence of it! For soon My Majesty and Power will be on display as the money that was stolen from you will be Returned and the EBS will sound and the Truth will be told on the airwaves for No Longer will the cabal have control over the MSM! And this Truth will be a hard pill to swallow for you have been lied to and deceived for a very long time! But this Truth needs to come out and understood by All So That Everyone will have the Same Understanding of What Is Truth! For this is All Part of My Plans not only for America~but for the world! And truly this will bring about Unity into this country like it hasn’t seen for decades. And you definitely will be the United States of America.

Philippians 2:2 “Complete my joy of being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind.”


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