Very Temporary

For I the Lord know and see what the deep state has been doing to America by bringing in people from other countries making people feel unsafe~including your pets! But I have given My David a plan to return them back to where they came from so this situation will be short-lived and Very Temporary and so is the rule of the deep state—very short-lived and Very Temporary! Hold On Fast to ME for this roller coaster ride is about to get Very Bumpy but see I AM telling you ahead of time to 1) prepare you and 2) to share that I KNOW what is happening and I GOT THIS! For there is nothing going on that I AM Unaware Of! No~in fact Everything Is Going According To My Plans! For our enemies think they’re in charge but oh how deceived they are when I pull the rug out from underneath them! For they are the ones who are Vulnerable for what have I said about the prideful? For My Word says—Pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall (Proverbs 16:18). And FALL THEY SHALL!


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