Who I AM!

For I Myself will Backlash upon our enemies for they will be held accountable for going after My David and going after you by putting harmful additives and chemicals in your food, water and changing the medical field by endorsing vaccines and drugs that truly don’t help you, but do the exact opposite. For I AM Fed Up with all these lies and deception that you deal with everyday~as I AM sure you are too! So My Army of Light~this is what I want you to do~Pray Psalms 91 (that includes verbiage against the deadly pestilence) and make this your declaration and behold I will Respond to Your Cries and your Standing On My Word and I Shall Send Forth My Angelic Amies to bring Justice On The Earth! For It’s Time Our Enemies Know Who I AM!

Psalms 37:39-40 “The salvation of the righteous comes from the Lord: he is their stronghold in time of trouble. The Lord helps them and delivers them: he delivers them from the wicked and saves them, because they take refuge in him.”


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