You Never Thought Possible!

For I AM asking you to get out of your comfort zone in this time we are in for I need My Ecclesia, My Army of light to be used by ME, to be My Vessel and to Reach Out to Others Now. For how can people know of ME unless you share? How can people know of My Healing Power unless you pray for them? For it’s Not Time to Play It Safe~No! It’s the Opposite—it’s Time for Faith To Arise in You~Christ in You, the Hope of Glory!~meaning Christ is living in you, you are empowered by Holy Spirit, the mantles of healing have been released—so you have Everything you need to be used by ME to bring miracles, healings and deliverance to others! For this is a time where I want to break out of the four walls of the church and reach the lost with My Power! So My Army of Light ask ME for boldness and More of ME and Watch ME use you in ways You Never Thought Possible!

John 14:12 “I tell you this timeless truth:The person who follows me in faith, believing in me, will do the same mighty miracles that I do—even greater miracles than these because I go to be with my Father!”


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