A Key To Unlock Your Destiny

Did you hear My servant, Andrew Whalen give you a Key To Unlock Your Destiny? For witchcraft has been released against leaders, against this country, against the church and against you personally to delay what I have written over you and what My Plans are for you~But now I have spoken through Andrew Whalen to thwart this witchcraft that has been used against you and this weapon that stops this witchcraft used against you is to ROAR! And you might think oh how silly! How could that little thing stop the delay and bring forth my destiny? And my response to you is I often choose unusual methods to bring healing and restoration—for instance I had Naaman dip himself into the Jordan seven times to be healed of leprosy and My Son healed a blind man using mud on his eyes so why cannot I use your voice as you roar like a lion~for this symbolizes the Lion of Judah and this roar sends my warring angels to destroy all evil in its path~including your path towards Your Destiny. So Do Not make light of this weapon that has been given you through My servant, Andrew but Use It To Bring Forth My Plans For You And This Nation!

Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”


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