Missions of Victory!

For the deep state is full of fear that My David will win on November 5 so they are pulling out all their tools to bring chaos and distraction but you My Army of Light are learning to fight back and I want to say how far you have come from the time of Covid when you submitted yourself to everything the WHO was saying to you by putting on masks, being six feet apart and staying at home. For you have learned not only who you are~sons and daughters of the Lord Most Hight but your calling too—to occupy till I come! (Luke 19:13). And now with this most recent storm called Milton, you are learning to decree against it and to call forth My Angelic Army to disintegrate it and to downgrade it to a normal storm. For the MSM is working hard to push fear and trepidation regarding this storm for they want you to view yourself as a helpless victim and unable to do anything about it. Now pray My Army of Light and send My Angel Armies to protect Mar-a-Lago for again the deep state sees My David as such a threat that they want to bring him harm any way they can. But I say Do Not let fear have its way in your mind for My Word says do not be anxious about anything but instead to pray and be thankful and then you will have peace. (Philippians 4:6-7) For I want you to know My Army of Light how important you are and the high position you hold in the battle of the ages. For I have told you of the constant spells and incantations that the darkness uses against you and all the more in the month of October~but your saying the decrees, along with quoting My Word and now we have the Esther March in DC happening this weekend as well. And I say that My Ekklesia rising up and meeting this challenge that hell has brought forth will send My Angel Armies to engage in battle with the enemy over America and you will see A Shift from darkness to light. Now My Army of Light pray also for My Angel Armies to surround DC for this event and to keep them from harm so that are completely protected for you are on the front lines of this battle, sending My Angel Armies on their Missions of Victory!


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