The Fly

Note: The Lord gave me an unusual sign yesterday as I was in the bathroom washing my hands when I saw something in my hair. It was a dead fly! Now I believed in my heart that this was Very Significant and this morning as I was seeking the Lord about it, I kept recalling the name lord of the flies but couldn’t locate it in the Bible but then the Lord highlighted the name Beelzebub, which is a Philistine god, also known as the Lord of the Flies found in Matthew 10:25. This is what the Lord is saying to us:  

For this dead fly IS significant for it is a SIGN to you that as you ROAR, you are Actually Countering the enemy’s plans against you causing the enemy to be Defenseless against you. For this tool of ROARING is enabling My Army of Light to truly crush Satan under your feet (Romans 16:20). For the devil has no comeback against your ROAR and the dead fly was a sign that all the devil’s tactics against you will come to Nothing and Die. But use this ROAR respectfully and in a manner of fighting off the enemy’s schemes against you and do Not get a big head and be prideful of this authority that has been given you, But rejoice that you belong in My Kingdom!

Luke 10:20 “However, your real source of joy isn’t merely that these spirits submit to your authority but that your names are written in the journals of heaven and that you belong to God’s kingdom. This is the true source of your authority.”


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