This Day

For this day is Halloween and is celebrated by the darkness, but this day I want you to ruin the evil plots and plans today by ROARING and when you roar~declare and decree that this halloween is the last year it will be celebrated. Also NULLIFY All their evil plans for today and tonight. Command My Angel Armies to infiltrate their secret meeting places and to set free their victims for cruelty and death. Render All their spells, curses, assignments, incantations, hexes and vexes are null and void and that their witchcraft is Powerless! Then pray My Army of light that their eyes are opened to the Truth~for I AM the Way, the Truth and the Life! For I Long For The Lost To Be Found! For I want My Light to shine in the darkness and to bring hope to the hopeless!


  1. Host, go now and infiltrate the secret meeting places and set free their victims they have for cruelty and death !!! We render their witchcraft powerless !! ROAR !! ROAR !! ROAR !!
    Rise up mighty warriors, and take back the night. Let the light shine in the darkness.
    Lord, open their eyes to the truth, draw their hearts to Jesus.


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