Under Your Feet

For the pressure is mounting for the democratic party for they are Very Aware that their party only stands for abortion and open boarders~basically murder and violence and My David stands for life and peace and So Much More! But I say the enemy has cast a spell over America—a spell of confusion. For have you noticed even staunch believers are not knowing who to vote for!!! So I say Come My Army of Light and let us join in this battle for America and her freedom! Now decree that this confusion will Fall on them 7-fold! Declare and decree that Any and All spells, incantations, hexes, vexes, curses and assignments ARE ALL NULL AND VOID but Boomerangs Back On Them Immediately! For this Will Show Them that I, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords Am All Powerful! For you are Crushing Satan Under Your Feet and all his servants with him!

Romans 16:20 “The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus be with you.” 


  1. Hallelujah! Yes indeed! Team Jesus is on the move and the victory is ours! Thank you Patty :)


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